Google Feud – A Game Which Teaches Players Unthinkable Search Terms

Google Feud – A Game Which Teaches Players Unthinkable Search Terms

Google Feud – A Game Which Teaches Players Unthinkable Search Terms

Most of us find Google a reliable source of information about virtually anything. Phoning people or perusing the pages of a physical encyclopedia often does not cross our minds. Nowadays, it is usual for Internet users to refer others to Google to find answers for even the simplest queries.

Have you ever been perplexed by the mind-boggling predictions which Google makes when you start typing your search terms? This Autocomplete feature is impressive, but it sometimes proposes ridiculous words and phrases. One whiz saw an opportunity in this interesting behavior of Google and developed a fascinating game called Google Feud.

Google Feud emulates the Family Feud Show where Steve Harvey asks general questions to two teams, and the one with the most appropriate (not necessarily correct) answer earns points. Unlike Family Feud, you can play Google Feud from your computer, and you do not need to be in a team.

Playing the Game

The web-based game requires you to select one category from Culture, Names, People, and Questions. Next, it poses a random word or phrase and asks you to complete it the way you think Google Autocomplete would do.

For instance, under Culture, the game can issue a prompt like, “Giraffes are…” What would be your guess? Probably you would say Giraffes are tall, right? But this is an obvious fact. Not many people would be searching the Internet for that. Therefore, your answer may not feature within the top suggestions.

To earn as many points as possible, you need to think about phrases which would combine with the given prompt when performing a Google search.

The acceptable guesses feature in Google’s top ten predictions. The more you are closer to the top, the more the points you earn. A good illustration is the prompt, “I swallowed…” Guessing “a bone” would be right, but you would be surprised to realize “I swallowed a bone what do I do” earns more. Also, though ‘Shakespeare,’ ‘William’ and ‘William Shakespeare’ refer to the same person, it is possible to score differently for each choice.

Google Feud gives you three chances to try. For each time you make a wrong guess, it returns a huge red X. Getting three X’s in a row means you have failed. Then it sums up your points and awards you a score.

Google feud as Bot
Google feud as Bot

About Google Feud

Google Feud is based on the Google API. For every prompt it issues, it pulls the answer directly from the Google’s autocomplete service. Google Feud warns its users to be open minded that some answers can be offensive or unintelligible.

This guessing game doesn’t have advanced features like a scoreboard, or a means to compete or compare results with other players. However, many people say that it is addictive, and you can spend extended hours glued to your computer. Future releases will probably incorporate more functions.

Google Feud is not a creation of Google as many people think. It was made by developer and freelance writer Justin Hook who is not affiliated to Family Feud either.

If you think that you have seen it all in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) field, you should probably have not  played Google Feud. It is a good way of familiarizing yourself with the most popular search terms in various contexts in an enjoyable way. It can teach you a few phrases which you never thought anybody would ever search. Making them keywords for optimization of websites could improve your Google rankings.

The game is suitable for people who can stand satire. Remember that this is not a classroom quiz where you have to give accurate answers. It can help players to think outside the box. It is a great pass time activity, especially when played in the company of friends.